If here you click\nthen lost you will be.\nGo not here. Outlands Chirurgeons' Guild

Chirurgeon's Roster

Scroll of Chirurgeon's Guild Roster.

Here you can find several roster reports for the Outlands Chirurgeonate. An administrative roster is available for those needing to contact Society or Kingdom officers. The alphabetic roster is available to verify individual certifications. The Branch roster can be used to locate chirurgeons in specific areas. The printable Roster generates a list containing names and email addresses for all chirurgeons with valid warrants as of the day the report is generated. This report is useful to verify warrants at large events. Finally, a statistical report can be generated, showing the up to the minute status of the Outlands Chirurgeonate. This report is useful for planning training events.

You may use the "Enter or update your roster information" link to add yourself to the roster, or to update your existing information. This link provides the ability to upload digital copies of your mundane certificates, allowing your roster entry to be added without having to wait to have copies of your certificates sent by postal mail.

Roster Reports