If here you click\nthen lost you will be.\nGo not here. Outlands Chirurgeons' Guild

Kingdom Reporting Dates:

In order for the Kingdom Chirurgeon to complete and turn in the Doomsday report by December 15, all Chirurgeons are requested to have their yearly report turned in no later than December first of each year. This report should summerize events you have attended throughout the year, indicate commendations and award recommendations for person deserving recognition, and outline any problems or difficulties you may ave encountered, including your recommendations for solutions.

Additionally, you should send an update report if your credentials change during the year (e.g. you renew your First aid or CPR Certification, you receive additioanl credentials or Certifications, etc.

In order to keep your warrant current, please send copies of your certifications to the Credentials Deputy at the address listed in the Admin-Roster. You may check you warrant status by viewing the alphabetic roster of all chirurgeons, or the regional roster for your particular branch.

As always, in event of a major incident at any event, call or email the Kingdom Chirurgeon within 24 hours of the end of the event. Very important.

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