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Chirurgeon's Regalia

The badge of the Office of the Chirurgeon, registered in January of 1992, is blazoned: "Gules, on a goutte argent a fleam gules." As the Chirurgeonate operates as a guild, Chirurgeon's are designated by one of three ranks; Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master. There is also a fourth honorary rank of Chirurgeon Emeritus.

The Chirurgeon's Handbook identifies the type of badge, favor or token bearing the badge of the Chirurgeonate that each rank of chirurgeon may wear, and under what circumstances they should be worn.

These badges are:

Duties and Responsibilities of Chirurgeons-in-Training

"While on duty during the observation period, a Chirurgeon-in-Training may wear a badge, favor or token bearing the badge of the Chirurgeonate with no border."

     — Chirurgeon's Manual, Section II.6"

Duties and Responsibilities of Chirurgeons

"The Chirurgeon may display the Chirurgeon badge on a baldric or tabard with a white border"

     — Chirurgeon's Manual, Section II.10"

Mentor Chirurgeon
Duties and Responsibilities of Mentor Chirurgeons

"Mentor Chirurgeons may display the Chirurgeon emblem with a gold or yellow bordure on the baldric, tabard, or favor."

     — Chirurgeon's Manual, Section II.14"

Chirurgeon Emeritus
Duties and Responsibilities of Chirurgeons Emeritus

"Chirurgeon Emeriti may display a badge as registered by the Chirurgeon General with the College of Heralds."

     — Chirurgeon's Manual, Section II.15"

Clicking on any of the above badges will display the Duties and Responsibilities of that rank.

The Chirurgeon's Banner
Example Chirurgeon's Banner

The Chirurgeon's Handbook, Section III.12. "Duties and Responsibilities of the Chirurgeon-In-Charge" states:

"The Chirurgeon-in-Charge will identify himself to the appropriate event officers (Autocrat, Marshal, Herald, site security) and ensure the populace is aware the Chirurgeonate is functioning and is easy to locate. This is usually best done by having the Heralds make an announcement and setting up a Chirurgeon's Point with an a appropriate banner in an easily accessible place."

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